

Our company has imported tens of production line of Fuji P451 and P452 Iron-Printing machines, Germany-made KBA four-color iron-printing machines, F451 and F452 coating machines,and Germany-made KBA coating machines,which are the most advanced in the world and can print and coat the hard-packing materials such as tinplate, aluminium sheets , etc. The company introduces CTP plate-making machine and adopts digital workflow,that can change characters and picture into digits and from the printing plate directly. These have contributed to the improvement of our printing efficiency and product quality.Printing size from 710 x510 mm to 1145x960 mm with thickness of 0.13 ~ 0.40 mm, The annual printing capacity of the machine is 450 million pieces.The company undertakes the business of printing and manufacturing tinplate which is widely used for the product packages of food, spray, beverage, edible oil, lubricant, cigarette,present, stationery, battery, etc, and for decoration as well as for electric panel .

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